Kitchen & Home

Under the menu Kitchen & Home we have collected our household soaps - soap bars & soap flakes and good accessories for Laundry/Cleaning/Dishes. 

Read detergent test by Saras Evigas, where our soap bars were voted Best in the test category with detergent. You can read more about how to reduce the chemicals in your everyday life in this blog post: Soap for washing, cleaning and dishes

Here you will also find the really scrubbing Kitchen & Garden soap, perfect for dirty hands. 

We also sell the fine cleaning products from Västerbottenssåpa, made from recycled fat.

A handmade eco soap needs a good soap dish to dry it up. We have found the best for you and also good boxes/bags, so you can bring your soap with you on your trip or to the gym.

Here you will also find locally produced food, including the good organic chocolate that is made in the small-scale chocolate factory in Umeå. Bean-to-Bar, vegan friendly and free from most things.

Soap + Soap Hanger
From 41,01 €
Loofah scrub
5,31 €
Loofah pad round
From 4,83 €
Soap case
6,76 €
Soap bag for the trip
From 12,55 €
Gift Kit - Dishes
38,12 €
18,34 €
7,24 €
Sisal soap bag
5,31 €
Yarn Arezzo linen
From 4,83 €
Back scratcher
Sold out
Shoe horn
17,37 €
Bench brush
21,23 €
BBQ brush
6,27 €
Washing-up whisk
8,69 €
Scrubbing brush
From 17,37 €
Toothbrush case
6,27 €
Soap dish, bamboo
11,10 €
Soap dish, cork
6,76 €
Redecker: Tvålfat emalj
From 28,47 €
Honey Spoon
3,38 €
Fjällfrö porridge
From 10,62 €
Dried Lingonberries
13,51 € 14,48 €
Lingonberry Powder
19,30 €
Dried Blueberries
14,48 €
Blueberry Powder
19,30 €
Cloudberry Syrup
Sold out
Oat Chocolate
11,58 €
Cocoa Nibs
From 9,17 €
Cocao Powder
From 9,17 €
17,37 €
Scoop, small
2,90 €

Här hittar du även den rejält skrubbande Kök & Trädgård tvålen, perfekt för smutsiga händer. 

En Handgjord Ekotvål behöver ett bra tvålfat för att torka upp. Vi har hittat de bästa till dig och även bra askar/påsar för att ta med dig din tvål på resan eller till gymmet.

Här finner du även lokalproducerad mat, bland annat den goda ekologiska chokladen som tillverkas i den småskaliga chokladfabriken i Umeå. Bean-to-Bar, veganvänlig och fri från det mesta.