Shop for retailers

Are you an approved retailer and want to place an order in the on-line store? 

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(If you are already logged in, you will see "Your account" next to the login symbol at the top right of the page; in the mobile version the icon is green instead of black)

Once you have logged into the store, you can see our retail prices. At the top of the page, you can choose to have prices displayed excl. VAT.

Environment and priority order

For the sake of the environment, we want to minimise voids in our shipments. We pack all soaps in cartons with 3 pcs., 6 pcs., 9, 12, 15 pcs. etc. 

It is also easier for us in order management; therefore we prioritise orders of these numbers for our products.

Handmade Eco Soap Clove
From 7,72 €
Felted soap
From 17,37 €
Fur Shampoo - Charcoal
From 16,41 €
Fur Shampoo - Lavender
From 16,41 €
Gift set No 'Poo Mixed small soaps
From 26,66 € 31,36 €
Soap + Soap Hanger
From 41,01 €
Soap bag loofah
13,51 €
Soap bag for the trip
From 12,55 €
Soap case
6,76 €
Toothbrush case
6,27 €

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Saknar du inlogg? kontakta [email protected] 

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(om du redan är inloggad står det på dator Ditt konto bredvid loggainsymbolen längst upp till höger på sidan, på mobilen är gubben grön istället för svart)

Längst upp på sidan i det gröna fältet (längst ned i menyn på mobilen) kan du välja om priserna ska visas exkl.moms.