Household Soap

Here you will find our household soaps that replace many cleaning products in the home, both for washing, cleaning and dishes. Our household soap has received the highest rating in Sara's Eviga's test of dishwashing detergent. It is also very popular for washing, read about how Plånbokssmart uses the soap. You can also read more about how to reduce the chemicals in your everyday life in this blog post: Soap for washing, cleaning, and dishes

With environmentally friendly washing, cleaning, and dishes, it is lovely to have nice and great accessories such as clothes pins, dish towels, dish washing and scrubbing brushes.

Kök & Trädgård is a popular scrubbing soap that is suitable after garden work, for those who have worked with oils and other tasks after which you need to clean your hands thoroughly. You can hang the soap with a hemp rope at the sink - suitable, as the kitchen soap also removes the smell of fish and onions from your hands.

With our household soaps, you can replace many of your home's cleaning products for washing, cleaning and dishes. A soap in the form of a soap bar with many uses and that is good for you, your home, and the environment! 

Another kind of household soap is the liquid soap. The old-fashioned soap from Västerbottenssåpa is expected to be back in our store when the restaurants get going again after the pandemic. Västerbottenssåpa is made from recycled restaurant fat, which is in short supply right now.

For environmentally friendly cleaning and dishes, you can also supplement with a fine and functional accessory such as our hand-wrapped dishtowels or scrubbing Loofah sponges. We also have several nice scrubbing and dish washing brushes from brush manufacturers in Sweden and Germany.

Vår hushållstvål har fått högsta betyg i Saras Evigas test av diskmedel.  Den är även mycket omtyckt till tvätt, läs om hur Plånbokssmart använder tvålen.  Du kan också läsa mer om hur du minskar på kemikalierna i din vardag i detta blogg inlägg: Tvål för tvätt, städ och disk.